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What is the SOPA protest about? - Printable Version

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What is the SOPA protest about? - ryan_b_2006 - 11-09-2012 10:09 PM

People all over Twitter have been going on about #StopSOPA and its all over the news, does anyone know what it is, please dont give me links to websites, cause they don't really explain, trust me, ive tried, but if anyone could tell me, ill give you 10 points! Smile

- Chimp in Charge - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

SOPA gives Barack Obama the ability to shut down sections of the internet in a time of "crisis".

90% of the servers that route the internet are located in the USA, europe, asia, africa et al all depend on these servers for their connectivity.

people don't trust Obama, he has the ability to have anyone arrested and detained for no reason and now can cut the internet,

He has the world by the balls and our liberal government can't see this and keep giving him more. now he can cripple any country he likes.......

- Space Fish - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

Its a government crack down on internet freedom, you really should get out more.

Most websites would be shut down.

- raina_vissora - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

SOPA is a bill currently making it's way through Congress, that would give the Department of Justice the ability to blacklist sites that it deems to be infringing on US copyrights. This can include anything from a link to another site containing copyrighted material to a photograph used without permission to an illegal movie. Sites accused of infringement would be blocked from U.S. users... and the kicker is that the site is guilty until proven innocent. There is no due process at all. It also makes uploading copyrighted material a felony. It's basically full-on censorship of the internet.

The bill is backed primarily by media organizations like the MPAA and the RIAA.

The #StopSOPA hashtag on twitter (along with #SOPAblackout and #J18) refers to online protests of the legislation which is coming up for a vote in Congress soon. January 18 is SOPA Blackout day... sites all over the net have pledged to shut down from 8am to 8pm on January 18th to protest SOPA.

- Nightwind - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

SOPA sux. We never needed a news media "blackout" before, or an internet 'kill switch". Usually such things are designed to protect the upper class or high ranking people when they F**K up or want to pull some kind of shenanigans they shouldn't be.
They did this to us while we were stationed on ships in the military. Blacking out soldiers mail when we lost a helicopters and such........Now I can understand some info being sensitive in a military environment............but most cases it is merely to delay the news process so that the higher ups can come up with some answers.................or cover them up.
There's no reason any President should have such power or be able to disconnect the people from sharing information or idea's.
Of all of Obama's screw ups as America's leader, the little bastard only wants to give himself more power so that he can do damage control.

- shaunhelsom - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

Wikipedia has been keeping a very up-to-date and easy to read definition.

- darren m - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

internet kill switch some say but i say bill of rights computer program anti spyware good .

i also say that democracy is spam box for advertisements and people should say so that for purpose of ridding spam from net .trouble is people do not believe that.

- Michael - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

What I'm gonna use to wipe with while anonymous wreaks havoc on goverment servers.

- Jason - 11-09-2012 10:17 PM

I guarantee you they do explain it in this website listed below. Just look at the domain.