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Is the privacy of a few rich celebs more important than 1 million poor non-celebs? - Printable Version

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Is the privacy of a few rich celebs more important than 1 million poor non-celebs? - Chosen Man - 11-09-2012 10:18 PM

With some idiot, with the help of an idiot judge, trying to get the private details of more than a million users of twitter, facebook etc. It begs the question, are rich celebs (actors, footballers, judges, MPs and sundry others) entitled to more privacy than some poor person who cannot afford to fight for their privacy?

Your thoughts please.

- Ms. GTO - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

No, they're not more entitled to privacy than the average person, they are just better equipped financially and legally to handle the intrusion.

- Poppy - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

its not just about privacy its about equality why are rich people able to buy more rights in a court of law than a poor person
super injunctions stink and so do people who think they can buy privileges

how long will it be before a superinjuction protects a expense scandal , a theft ,peadiphile or a rapist

- Puppy Dangerous - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

Since when have celebrities had excessive privacy rights? They can't do anything without the whole world having to listen to it broadcast on TV and see their pictures in every crappy magazine at the checkout.

Information on the internet is not secure. Simple as that. There is NO WAY to keep everybody out, no matter what security measures are put in place somebody can get around it and take your data. The fact that these big companies are doing it isn't new, why do you think you get spam? Details get sold all the time. It's the way they make money, selling your information to advertisers.

If you don't want you details out, then don't give them. If you don't want your data borrowed, stolen, used and posted all over the place, then don't put it on the net.

Yes, yes, privacy would be nice. But it's not the way the internet works.

- English Gremlin - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

No its not but if it were me or you no one would be interested. I think this shows how ridiculous this guy is, his me me me attitude is appalling and you know the stupidest thing is not many people care who he is or what he has done but he keeps drawing attention to himself as with the twitter thing and people react so he is doing himself no favours because it creates more attention.
Lol i was going to go on twitter and sl@g him off....whats he going to sue me and all these other people for...we haven't got any money?!!

- Hello - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

Interesting quote from the Magna Carta, clause 40:

"To none will we sell, to none deny or delay, right or justice"

Apparently in 1215 English law was more civilised than now.

Personally I am sick of my details being sold too third parties by companies even after I check the box that says I do not want this to happen. What can I do about it? Nothing.

- dobrid1 - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

Being rich and having private information bandied around can cost these people mega bucks plus loss of reputation and in some case work (Aka Charlie Sheen) and taking out gagging orders they can not only afford them but also it makes a statement that I am quite prepared to go the extra mile don't mess with me .
We all deserve our privacy regardless of who we are or what we are its just a fact of life that even some of us who are well paid could not afford to take this particular step to ensure our privacy and it seems the more money you have the more precious you are .
In the case of pop singers and actors many of them have forgotten who pays their wages and why if you are a public person then surely it the right of the public to expect to see you however Judges and M.P's many having bodyguards are in another catagory all together as many of the serioulsy political or vengeful would see them as an easy target if they were more accessable .

- Scooter - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

If people stopped having affairs it wouldn't be a problem - simple!

- oldgrumpy - 11-09-2012 10:26 PM

It's the public that make these under worked and obscenely overpaid layabouts into 'celebrities', though why, I cannot imagine !
They've set themselves up as famous people, making immoral fortunes on the way, so surely the public has the right to know the seedy side of their useless lives !
But, of course, as in all walks of life, it's one law for the rich - and one for the poor.
Makes you ponder on what a ridiculous society we have made for ourselves - and now live in !