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How do I start an online sign bussiness? - Printable Version

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How do I start an online sign bussiness? - Master OSO - 11-09-2012 10:20 PM

My Father and I have been running a sign business for about maybe 14 years. I think its time we add a online store to the company. The thing is I dont know how to do it or I dont know were to begin. Can some one help me?
Should I use paypal or start my own website?? Facebook?

- imisidro - 11-09-2012 10:28 PM

You need your own website. Facebook will just be a way to market the site, not the site where you sell the signs itself

For your type of business, a website is IMPORTANT to drive more awareness to your business. Treat it like your online brochure where people can actually see and learn about your business

I suggest you look at how Fastsigns, one of the leaders in this field, use their website for their business

You can use your website to accept requests for quotes from customers. It can be your tool to showcase the types of signs that you can do, and have done in the past

Having a website will allow you to market your business locally. Look at how your business can rank well in Google Maps. Create a Google Places account and make sure to link your site in there

- Berry - 11-09-2012 10:28 PM

Start your own.