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How does hypnosis enable people to remember forgotten events? - Printable Version

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How does hypnosis enable people to remember forgotten events? - chocolate - 11-09-2012 10:23 PM

- iris054 - 11-09-2012 10:32 PM

Presumably by tapping into your subconscious, which stores and remembers everything that happens to you, like a big tape recorder.

- bigleybill - 11-09-2012 10:32 PM

Hypnosis can help some people concentrate at a higher level and remember small details of an event they may have seen, but did not retain.

- Where is my mind - 11-09-2012 10:32 PM

Regression therapy allows recall of events that have past.

the mind is like the worlds greatest piece of recording equipment (although I can never remember where I leave my car keys...) under the right circumstances of hypnosis a person can go to exact points in time.

- Rob - 11-09-2012 10:32 PM

Regression is one of the most powerful tools we have in Hypnotherapy. Here's an example. I had a client that gave up smoking successfully, however would restart after two or three months. Her pattern went back years. When she came to me she was skeptical because she knew she would stop, but did not want to restart.

In regression it turned out the causes originated far back as a four year old child. She had gone to a fair that was visiting town one day with her mother. She'd enjoyed a couple of hot dogs. Her father had taken her with her sister later that day, and she enjoyed two more hot dogs.

Later she threw up and it was quickly evident that the hot dogs were giving her severe problems. She had food poisoning. While she was not in a life threatening illness, it was a very disturbing tie for the young child. She couldn't keep anything down for days, and had to stay home from school. Her mother would read to her and looked after her. As she recovered this became a time she even enjoyed - with all the attention from her mother. By the third day she was able to drink water, and began slowly eating again.

About this time her father had the chimneys swept. The chimney sweep, however, managed to block a flew, so the next time her father lit a fire, the whole house filled up with smoke. This smell of smoke was so strong that she remembers it clearly - and associates it with the recovery from her illness, and a time she felt very cared for and loved.

We could see clearly that each time my client restarted smoking, it was when she was recovering from a cold or an illness. This proved absolutely accurate and explained why she was always returning to her habit.

Once she understood the reasons, things were simple. Just a case of reframing the issues - and guess what? She's still smoke free a year later.

Sometimes, clients don't want to use regression. I understand this. In many cases it's not necessary. To some degree, just because there's a dent in the front of the car, we don't necessarily have to know what colour the lampost you hit was to fix it. There are however times when regression can provide a clue to what triggers a behaviour. In those cases, it's a very powerful tool.

If you'd like to know more about hypnosis please take a look at

Rob Hadley CHt.,

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