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How can I launch an investigation into a corrupt government office? - Printable Version

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How can I launch an investigation into a corrupt government office? - Ladylin7777 - 11-09-2012 10:27 PM

My grandkids were returned to their unfit mother 4 months ago. The welfare worker in charge of the case was very friendly with the mother and helped her regain custody. I found facebook photos of the caseworker partying and drinking. It seems suspicious, in light of the fact that she was so friendly with the unfit parent, who is also an alcoholic. I feel like this worker was biased and perhaps intimate friends with the parent and showed inappropriate behavior as a welfare worker.

- mikeburns55 - 11-09-2012 10:36 PM

If you want the government to do it for you, forget it. They have no incentive to make another part of government look bad. It's the same reason that Internal Affairs almost always sides with the police, no matter how horrible their behavior.

You could investigate the office yourself, but that will take a lot of your time and money. Your best shot might be to get a newspaper to do it. They like to cover stories of corruption. What you should do is get all of your information together in a folder and give that to a sympathetic newspaper and they might take over from there.

Pretty much, there's not much you can do. The system is designed for control, not for justice.