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How to remove tagged pictures of me from facebook news feed? - Printable Version

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How to remove tagged pictures of me from facebook news feed? - lalalala - 11-09-2012 10:31 PM

Okay some people are tagging me in pictures and it shows up in my friends news feed even if they're not friends with that person. I dont want everyone to see these pictures so is there something I can do about this? Theres no point in just removing it from my profile because if im not online facebook, it will still show up on the news feed.

- Brooke - 11-09-2012 10:39 PM

If you delete the tags on the photos they will not show up in your friends' news feeds. Or possibly there is a way to change security settings, check it out. Sometimes deleting the notification of the tags off of your profile wall does the trick as well.

- kaire - 11-09-2012 10:39 PM

Try this to remove tagged photos of you from Facebook:

1) Go to your Edit Applications page:
2) Scroll down to the "Photos" app. To the right it are 2 links. Click the link next to it that says "Edit Settings."
3) You'll get a pop-up. Click the blue "Additional Permissions" link.
4) UNCHECK that first box that says "Publish to streams."
5) Click the blue Okay button to close the pop-up.

Now I *think* since you have not allowed Photos to publish to streams, then your tagged photos won't show up on your News Feed. However, I think this also blocks any photos you may upload on your profile also. I'm not too sure. Maybe play around with this setting to check for sure? It's the only thing I can think of to hide your tagged photos from your Feed. Hope this helps!