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When do you think it's alright for a child to get an email address? - Printable Version

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When do you think it's alright for a child to get an email address? - massivejam667 - 11-09-2012 10:35 PM

I just had this fight with my mother over the fact that I have a personalized email address. I am 16 years old now, and will be 17 in a few months, meaning I'll legally be able to drive by myself, watch R rated movies in the theaters without parental supervision, and purchase mature rated games without parental supervision. She has a problem that I have an email address. Your thoughts?

- meatballs - 11-09-2012 10:43 PM

i let my daughter have email at thirteen,( wasnt sure about it tho) but at 16 your mum, mom, mother needs to keep up with the times

- tanyeesern - 11-09-2012 10:43 PM

Instead of going digital, why don't be more solidly based in the real physical world? Sometimes online content is so detached, you are not required to be physically present nor involved in it for you to spectate, comment, or take action on it. Such distancing from the outside world is inherent in your transactions (while it appears none), including possibly learning (which can have far-reaching consequences), across the interface (possibly custom-designed to trick), and can persuade you to imagine that there is virtually none. So you must have that in-built self-regulation to "shut down" and get tuned back to the non-digital world.

- Froggie - 11-09-2012 10:43 PM

Since Yahoo Answers allows participation at 13, that is a good guideline for age-appropriate web activity such as e-mail and Facebook. Do remember that anything you post online or send in e-mails can end up in web searches practically forever, and set up very secure passwords to prevent hacking.
Be cautious on the web - don't believe everything. is a good source for checking out web scams and other Urban Legends. Never EVER open Spam mails in curiosity - the newest malware can infect a computer just from opening it!
You sound responsible enough for e-mail, and even a Messenger account. They are cheaper to use than cell phones, which most teens have anyway these days, even those smart phones with web capacity.
Tell your mother it is a reasonable activity, and appropriate for your age group.