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Tell me why the Global Wealthy Elitist & their appeasing puppets should be put out of doing Business? - Printable Version

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Tell me why the Global Wealthy Elitist & their appeasing puppets should be put out of doing Business? - bulabate - 11-09-2012 11:43 PM

The well connected global few who rule & control over the human race on mother earth.

After all they declared war on the poor long ago, isn't it time shear huge numbers organize and rise-up to the few and strip them of their dominance.

Perhaps for the better of human kind it is time we the people get beyond the dark age mentality of "He or she that has to Gold rules".

- Older is Better - 11-09-2012 11:51 PM

The corporate elite exert a lot of control over the American political machine.
They feel that the public is not qualified to make important decisions.
They influence both party's but the Republicans are their mouthpieces.

- catie_x - 11-09-2012 11:51 PM

The fact of the matter is that 20% of the world population is using 80% of the resources. If people don't change their government / monetary system, we will all pay the ultimate price. The London riots are just the beginning. Hopefully, the hacker group Anonymous will take down Facebook as they have stated in their latest video. If they succeed, even more people will come together to make the real changes we need to do as a global society: cooperation instead of competition, compassion instead of cruelty, letting go of your ego and extending a helping hand, etc. Personally, I believe there are intelligent, compassionate humans out there, that given the chance and support of people to lead, could really bring us into a Golden Age.