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Why are people under 18 allowed on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why are people under 18 allowed on Facebook? - Padraic - 11-09-2012 11:45 PM

I'm 15. I deleted my facebook account a year ago. You would not believe how horrid it would get on there. Texting too. There are alot more important things then that. My sister is into it and she is only 14! If your going to bag me for my age, whatever, but I am seriously concerned about my generation. This stuff just doesn't seem right morally. I know I'm contradicting myself by being on Yahoo! Answers but I have to know what adult internet and technological users think about all this?

- i-Yoda - 11-09-2012 11:53 PM

I think you are right.
There was a recent survey done that showed people on FB & twitter are considered more addictive in the manner they spend their time & energy on FB & such.
Most of the people on FB now use it to snoop on each other, get jealous of other peoples lives & talk trash if they find stuff they like or don't like.

- Bud - 11-09-2012 11:53 PM

Facebook can cause a lot of stress and problems. I've found it's better not to use it. I do have an account just to be able to access their content, but that account isn't in my name and doesn't have any pictures of me. I think kids (girls, mostly) who take pictures of themselves partially and fully nude are risking an awful lot.

- Kelsey - 11-09-2012 11:53 PM

Grow down.

- JimatRSC - 11-09-2012 11:53 PM

It's important for a lot of things. Letting people see your facebook after meeting them will give them a more complete picture of who you are. It's also a great way to savor memories with friends. It's even helpful for job stuff, because people will look you up and make sure you exist / aren't a weirdo.

For example, you meet a cute girl at a bar, you friend her on facebook, her photos are all of herself and nobody comments on them. From that you can tell she has issues since she clearly doesn't have any friends.

- Jingle - 11-09-2012 11:53 PM

Facebook is just a tool to communicate and keep in touch with your friends, family, classmates,etc.
I don't think it is horrid.

- MO - 11-09-2012 11:53 PM

I've been on Yahoo since 2006, Ive been on Facebook since it began, I used to be on yahoo chat when the question was do you yahoo? Suffice to say I've been around a long time. Enough to know that it doesn't get horrid by itself. There are millions and I mean millions of people of millions of different personalities. If you engage or allow yourself to be engaged in any online social media forum whether you take a stance of it being immoral behavior or cheesy or gross or harmless on the internet then you have the right to dismiss engagement of or participation of such activities. However as far as the right to engage or partake in such social media outlets others do so without much mind to moral judgement or clarification made by others that find it disgusting, trivial, or otherwords distasteful and not what they would see entertaining, thus removing themselves from participation and need not worry about trying to determine for others what is and is not more important for others, who may very well not have many means of social gatherings or participations affordable or available to them. The technological users are so consumed with the technical ways and means of structured programing and networking aspects of the internet and the great world wide web of things I doubt the content restriction and advisory boards are the first on the checklist of harmful security risk remedies, be careful how you use the term "adult" on the internet because as google will provide, tons of "adult" content sites for your shocking stares at results with the same or similar meaning. The internet is for everyone, and then again it's not for "everyone". Don't try and be too protective of your entire generation...just use your own standards and moral values and ask those close to you for advice while on the internet. It's a wealth of information out there...just be sure someone knows what they're doing when they ask for it.