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How would you feel if your best friend was in active duty? - Printable Version

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How would you feel if your best friend was in active duty? - Jason Santos - 11-09-2012 11:47 PM

I am worried about how my boyfriend feels. His best friend that he always hangs out with joined the army and is now thinking of signing up for active duty. A lot of people liked his status on facebook but not my boyfriend. My boyfriend hides his feelings so I am not sure how he feels. I am kinda happy his best friend is leaving and I know I am selfish but I don't want my boyfriend to be sad either.

- Juno - 11-09-2012 11:56 PM

Tell him to man up and to get over it is his choice and if he does really care bout his boy let him go and make his own desicion and whatever comes to him in life to put his emotions aside and just go with whatever life brings him good or bad always keep his head up never bring it down no matter what situation it is dont let anything or anyone bring u down keep your head up and keep going thats a mind of a soldier so tell him to keep on with his own life do what he haves to do and let his friend do what he wants to do and just support him

- Chandler OConnor - 11-09-2012 11:56 PM

Ask your boyfriend how he feels and give him time to answer.

It's great that his friend is willing to serve, he should be proud of his friend taking on that responsibility. Still it's a loss on some level. They won't be able to hang out because his friend is likely going to be moving away. There is also some concern for his friend's safety.