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What is the best way to find out if someone is single or not? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to find out if someone is single or not? - Mr. S - 11-09-2012 11:50 PM

So I work with this girl and I have no idea if she has a boyfriend. I would like to know before I do anything but have no idea on how I can find out. Is there any subtle way I could find out?

Don't say ask her friends, check her facebook (I did and she doesn't have any of that info filled out) or ask her out and she what she says

- pastamuffin - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

ask her.

- b - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

Talk to her and throw a subtle statement out there like, "Damn, your BF must like / dislike that" Just add your own mix to it and she will either say yeah he does or I dont have a BF

- Sara - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

Casually mention the word "boyfriend" in the middle of conversation, like: "Any special plans with your BF on Valentine's Day?"

If she does not have a BF, she'll say: "Oh, nothing at all. I've no one to spend it with." Lol.

Umm...keep in mind also that if she says she has a BF, she may be lying and she only wants to reject you in the nicest way possible, because I myself tell guys I have a BF when I'm single just because I don't want to go out with them.

- morethan a feeling - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

well, what i used to do was, i would askk her, "hey does your boyfriend get jelous when you talk to other guys, because i had a friend and her bf was so jelous i couldn't even say hi to her."
tah dah.

- water_skipper - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

Look at her left hand. If there's scrap metal or a mineral on her fourth digital, she's spoken for. If the finger is naked, she's game.

- Rocky - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

hi frnd,

well when i do chating or i meet any girl.i talk to them and they too.

but i try to be little funny with them,so they can feel free to talk,i would suggest you to do like me,and be little mindfree,and feel free to talk.

thank u


- Andrew - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

you told us not to say the three best ways that dont involve being a stalker. so looks like you're gonna have to stalk this girl. find out her class schedule and follow her everywhere. follow her home one day and remember the address. then go there later with a ladder to climb and check if shes with a guy in her room

- ermy - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

you could ask her some questions like where do you live, and then... do you live with your boyfriend or whoever. And if she says no she lives alone then you could ask oh so you don't live with your boyfriend. or you know what, just ask if she has one. simple enough.