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How to write and market an ebook well? - Printable Version

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How to write and market an ebook well? - victoriousdress586 - 11-09-2012 11:58 PM

I don't want to use any mean scams or shove it in people's faces...I want to write quality ebooks and sell them fairly and get some good profit, any advice?
P.S. I have written well over 20 short stories. I write poetry and self-help articles. I have the skills and the experience to create the actual content, I'm asking about how to take information and write like an ebook, and also how to market it.

- Ed Fox - 11-10-2012 12:06 AM

If you lack the ability to write an ordinary book then you lack the ability write an ebook.
An ebook is simply the electronic equivalent of an ordinary written book.
You obviously don't have the ability if you needed to ask this question

- makeupfan - 11-10-2012 12:06 AM

When you're ready to publish your short story collection, or whatever book you choose, start a Facebook page or twitter account, to get the word out for free. Make sure you also get the word out to book review bloggers, who might plug your work in their blogs. Good luck!

- meat - 11-10-2012 12:06 AM

You set up a social network for you, the writer. You set up a facebook page for you, the writer. You set up a twitter account for you, the writer. You join networks where you can promote your work like goodreads and linked in and other writer sites.

You publish your ebook through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing and you make a dead-tree book through CreateSpace. And you market it to your network.