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How should i respond to my sister (Who randomly left us)? - Printable Version

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How should i respond to my sister (Who randomly left us)? - Jib - 11-10-2012 12:03 AM

It was the week after she graduated from highschool, and she left to another state without any of us knowing for a guy she met on the internet and barely knew. She keeps trying to get in contact with me via phone and facebook but i haven't responded because if she can't trust us knowing she was leaving, why should i have any reason to trust her?

- ranger_co_1_75 - 11-10-2012 12:11 AM

She is your sister and she loves you. If you love her, talk with her and ask her why she left without telling you. You may be avoiding a rewarding relationship that will last a life time. You will never know until you talk with her.

- becca - 11-10-2012 12:11 AM

Everyone makes decisions in their life that are not pearls, but that is not a reason to alienate your sister i have 5 brothers and 2 sister i have only met 2 of my brothers and both of my sisters but i constantly keep in touch with all of them because they are my family and no matter what decisions they make i will love and support them Its not that your sister doesn't trust you she just might have felt that you and the rest of your family would not approve whatever you do don't push her out of your life for a stupid mistake she made if it bothers you a lot then tell her how you feel about it but don't give up