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How to cope with a boyfriend who flirts behind your back? - Printable Version

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How to cope with a boyfriend who flirts behind your back? - Amateurnumber804 - 11-10-2012 12:03 AM

Well my boyfriend has been taking the initiative to talk to ALOT of girls on msn, and even plays games with them. He openly does wall-to-wall conversations with pretty girls on facebook, and well, he doesn't do it with me. ): I know i may sound very.. but still i really don't like it when he does that. He claims they talk to him first but i know that's not the case.. Any advice or techniques to cope with a flirty boyfriend?

No breakups please Smile

- Piglet - 11-10-2012 12:12 AM

All guys flirt. It doesn't actually mean anything, and certainly does not imply he's intending to do anything wrong. He's allowed to have friends, and it would be vile of you to try to control who he can and can't talk to (imaging him doing that to you!).
Just ignore it, nothing wrong here.

- Kirsty - 11-10-2012 12:12 AM

Do exactly the same!! I used to have a 'flirty bf' and i did exactly the same, he soon got jealous and I was able to say ...well you do it! Plus its a lot of fun :-)

- Shane M - 11-10-2012 12:12 AM

There's really not much to do he probably just gets along better with girls then guys, that is how I am 80% of my friends are girls the crew i chill with every night is 6 guys and 2 girls but out side of the crew I talk to only girls and my gf only talks to guys outside of the crew. I grew up with my sister and her friends so i just get along with girls better and she grew up with 2 brothers and their friends so she finds it easier to talk to guys. Just ask your self if you trust him. Make sure he knows how you feel about the situation though relationships are meant to be open to any subject and you should be able to talk about it. Just dont hide how you feel about it and then make it worse in your mind then it really is. cause it will just make things worse later when your true feelings and the ones you made up in your mind come out.

- Ck - 11-10-2012 12:12 AM

You may considered chatting and playing games on MSN with guys...let him have taste of how you feel when he does that...