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how do i convince my paents to let me have facebook? - Printable Version

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how do i convince my paents to let me have facebook? - First Namebob - 11-10-2012 12:12 AM

i almost in my second year of highschool and my mom keeps telling me that i'm to young to have facebook. It's because of my older brother one year older. She won't let me have facebook. She keeps saying that it's too early or i'm too young. everyone i know has it except for me. what do i do?

- Karen - 11-10-2012 12:21 AM

Maybe you can suggest having her monitor your Facebook. You are not missing out on anything its just a fad anyway. 2 years from now nobody will care about Facebook just like they dont care about Myspace.

- StupidShep - 11-10-2012 12:21 AM

This is an understandable attitude; the internet can be a dangerous place.

The best way to go about convincing her is to sit down with her and let her watch you setting up the account, drawing particular attention to the privacy settings. Explain to her that you have to clear anyone that wants to be your friend, and that only they can interact with you / see your photos (if you have set up your account correctly).

Simply pleading won't work in this case, you need to show that, not only that you are mature enough to be trusted on the web, that facebook is geared to towards preventing internet fraud and so the environment is not as dangerous as she fears

- princessKmN - 11-10-2012 12:21 AM

You should talk to your mother in a logical manner and explain that you think that having a facebook would help you to learn important social skills, and no matter what age you are, that is an important aspect of life, especially in high school. assure her you will not put anything on there that would let a person be able to communicate with you in any way other than facebook. Also show her that only your friends will be able to access your page. you could even make one for her and add her so she can look at your page without ever signing into your account. also make a commitment not to let it consume your life, and limit the time you spend on it. however, this will have to be a give and take conversation. assure her it will not effect your studies, chores, or responsibilities and if it does, you will delete it. that sounds like a fair trade? be safe and careful, good luck!!! =DD