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How social media works? - Printable Version

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How social media works? - zidiane - 10-02-2012 11:46 PM

Hello. I'm 20, and I'm pretty sure it's basically blasphemy for anyone my age to not know how to use facebook or twitter or whatever else sites are out there... but I don't. Those kind of sites never made sense to me, like I didn't grasp the core purpose behind them, so I never did any of them. However, it's been suggested to me that I make a facebook page for my line of work, but I don't know how to work these things. How to go about meeting other people or updating statuses or what else to put up there. I'm a writer, so I'm making a freelancing facebook page (And if I can manage that, a twitter probably). Need a little help knowing what to do.

- HP Wombat - 10-02-2012 11:54 PM

So you know how you watch the news, and there's that ticker going by with information about news that they're not currently reporting on? That's what Facebook and Twitter are like. You go there, just to see what friends/family are up to, but it's not meant to be the main social interaction you have with people.

Add your real life friends to your friend list. Manage your privacy settings so that what you're writing and posting is going to be in the news feed of the right people. Then just start sharing updates about your life. Many people are on facebook and not active, and that's fine, but it's good to have an account anyway to make connections and to be able to message people when you can't find their contact information.

- Engage Infomedia - 10-02-2012 11:54 PM

Hi, This is Keshav. I work as Social media optimization explicative. If you want to learn Social Media and its features for promoting your business then focus mostly one Facebook Page, Twitter Page, Google + and Pintrest sites. Study these sites and their use in detail at this Free ebook