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Does having a lot of friends on facebook mean your really popular? - Printable Version

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Does having a lot of friends on facebook mean your really popular? - D - 11-10-2012 12:22 AM

I have about 60 friends and my brother has about 1500 friends. Does that mean that I'm a loser and he is not?

- Chelsea Albrecht - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

Being popular means knowing a lot of people.

- faintlettuce863 - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

no. it actually means that he's the loser for having that many fb friends instead of having that many in real life.

- thunderingcracker210 - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

No it means he's a fag and yor the man

- Austin - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

If you know the people that add you and you have hung out with them then yes, but if you just add people just to get more friends then no I wouldn't consider that being popular.

- Austin - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

Does he actually talk to every single person? Most people just add randomly, or never speak to the majority or their contacts. I don't think that makes you a loser, anyone can have that many contacts if they wanted.

- Cecil Sheridan - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

It's the opposite. The more fb friends you have the fewer real friends you have. Facebook whores are losers and they should be dealt with as such. Mock your brother every-time you see him and call him a no life loser.

- oneironaut - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

Nope! Some kids accept people they don't even know as friends.

- McPurple - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

no it means you probably spend more time on facebook rather getting on with you actual life

- Ghostwriter - 11-10-2012 12:31 AM

No, it means he friends a lot of people who are friends of friends, etc.