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Please take my survey.? - Printable Version

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Please take my survey.? - Janet - 11-10-2012 12:25 AM

I am just that desperate. I need people to take this survey it's for a school project. It's 15 Questions, Anonymous, Simple, survey's on social networking vs traditional communication (hand-written letters etc.) But seriously I'm just really that desperate it's been like over a month and me and my partner can't even get 50 people. The project requires a minimum of 50 people before we can move on the next step. I'm pretty sure that we're behind because other people and we should by now, be analyzing the data but ya know, we don't 50 people. So if you can take this survey would make my life so much easier and help me get this project done faster. Because I'm pretty sure my followers on twitter are sick of me spamming their timeline as I advertise my survey on twitter with random hashtags for over a month.

I should really stop, MUCH appreciated if you take my survey. THANKS THANKS THANKS!

- Karen - 11-10-2012 12:33 AM

already did

- RzK - 11-10-2012 12:33 AM

I chose Facebook as my thing if i am trapped on an island because if i message my friends it is there forever.

But if i call and no one picks up, i lost that forever

- Zyzzyx - 11-10-2012 12:33 AM


observations --
-- you did not account for non-users
-- age cutoff is too young

FYI -- I am a retired computer software engineer; worked in the field for 42 years. Long before most people ever heard of the "computer" I was programming them. So, why is this relevant? I do not have a cell phone, do not use any of the social networks. There is too much proliferation of this stuff and I don't want to be bothered with trying to keep up with every latest thing. If it should ever settle down I might consider it. I get invitations all the time, (most recently Google plus) and people are offended when I decline. I do use e-mail and sometimes I hover in the background when my wife has a video conversation with someone.