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What do I do if I caught my girlfriend using facebook? - Printable Version

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- Banana123 - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

stop controlling your girlfriend. she can do whaetver she wants. girls have freedom just like guys do. i dont know why guys like you seemt o think you can control us woman.

everone uses facebook its a great way to connect with friends you dont see. i think she should leave you.

maybe your just jealous that she may be talking with other guys. maybe your the loser idk lol but you cant control woman. let her talk with other guys and her friends.

- Shadow Kat - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

wow you're a winner.

- Duda - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

You are such a loser.If you think ANY girl would take this crap from you,you are a TOTAL loser.It's like you being blonde with blue eyes and hear your girlfriend say "Oh i hate blonds with blue eyes,they look like idiots".

- Jennifer B - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

this makes me laugh!
get over it!
there is worse things your girl could be doing then using facebook ok??
you should be thankful that its just facebook she is on..
because if I had a bf like you, I would be on a different guy!!! :/
just tellin it how it is.

- Brittany - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

i hate facebook
but you sound soooo controlling
just let her do what she wants
it's not harming anyone, right

- Sammy - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

Well first id have to know your ages because you sound a bit controlling to me.Secondly it would depend on what shes doing on facebook.If your in a exclusive realtionship such as engaged to be married or what not i might agree but if your two teenagers just dating i think you pushing your will on her.Some say yahoo questions is for losers too but what do you and i know.....lmao

- julie o - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM


You are going to chase her away. Everyone needs to be their own person. Let her do what she likes to do.

You don't like Facebook and that is OK, but lots of people do. It is a social site and people are naturally social.

- anonymous - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

You're an idiot. Quit being so dominant and let her be. She's a human, not a possession.

...Although I'm getting the feeling that you asked this as a joke. Perhaps a dare from your friends. Whatever, you're still stupid.

- Monique - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

do you own her? I believe not. Leave her alone.

- Sarah - 11-10-2012 12:39 AM

you sound like a jerk, what if she said yahoo answers is for losers? would you delete your account for her?