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How do I get my daughter to stop facebooking all her feelings? - Printable Version

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How do I get my daughter to stop facebooking all her feelings? - sillymom - 11-10-2012 12:41 AM

she just recently broke up with her boyfriend of 10 months and is basically grieving this loss. She's just 18 and this has been an issue for a while. Everytime she was mad, she would facebook it, its driving me crazy. I dont want people to think she's such a negative person and thats what she seems like. Any advice?

- Poetic Genitals - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

You can't get her to do or not do anything. If people think she's a negative person it's her loss, not yours.

- Liam - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

Block her from facebook for a while?
Take her mind off it, go camping with no technology.
Lots of things

- sbg11 - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

Kids see so much of that on facebook, I don't think they take it too seriously. Since she's 18, you can't really do anything. She'll be alright.

- Sally Cat - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

I honestly wouldn't worry about it. That is just how face book is with EVERYONE these days, not just your daughter. If someone is upset over something and they have a face book account, they'll throw out all their feelings to all their face book friends, even if that includes 300 or more people (some people have a ton of face book friends, even though they only know half of them in real life).

- Always Right - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

Encourage her to find other ways to express her feelings, that perhaps aren't so... public. Buy her a nice-looking notebook and encourage her to turn it into a diary. Maybe call one of her friends to comfort her in her worst moments.

- avrilfan - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

she is 18 you cant make her do anything sorry but why do you care anout othere ppl and what hey think of ur douter no one makes her put up that stuff .

- Paige - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

let her be. Shes hurt and if she had someone to share her feelings with even tho you mite not understand her.. just be there listen to her cuddle her,, and tell her your there for her whenever she needs to talk. Who cares what ppl think she is your daughter.. now grow up and be a mom and undertstand that she is hurt. she wldnt favebook it if she had someone close to share it with... or maybe facebooking her problems is just her thing.s.. either way who cares ,,, its her life.

- BrujitaIsabelina - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

spend more time with her maybe she will open up to u it could me just a call of attention... and if is not she will get over it, it her problem if the world knows her problem if she want's to give them away.

- Lolaaaaa! - 11-10-2012 12:49 AM

Tell her to get a tumblr. Or a diary.