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How can I find my real dad? - Printable Version

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How can I find my real dad? - cosmicmoon - 11-10-2012 12:43 AM

He left when I was 3 and I've never heard from or seen him since. All I know is his name and the names of his two sons (my half brothers) and his family's last known location which was about 20 years ago.

They're all really common names...

- Jorge - 11-10-2012 12:51 AM

Look him up on facebook, myspace, and/or twitter.

- Rah-Rah - 11-10-2012 12:51 AM

try find ur dad on facebook or myspace...if u cant find him then try find his 2 so sorry i hate this happened to u!! well, hopefully u will find him sooner!!

- Noor - 11-10-2012 12:51 AM

Go through the following link............

- ℰℓiℨa - 11-10-2012 12:51 AM

In addition to Facebook, MySpace and other such sites, a good source is Intelius, especially if you know your father's age (you probably can calculate it if his name and age are listed on your birth certificate). If your father is listed on your birth certificate, his place of birth might also be listed there. With his full name, his age, and his place of birth in hand, you might be able to get a copy of his birth certificate (depending on the rules of the state in which your father was born). Intelius will cost you, if you want to look at detailed information (the summary is free), but the cost is only about $2.

If the Internet is no help to you, but you are able to get your father's birth certificate, you can write a letter to your father and deliver it to any Social Security office. Here's how: First, you write the letter to your father. You put it into an envelope with his name on the front, but do not seal the envelope. Next, you take the unsealed letter to your father to any Social Security office, along with your father's full name, your father's date of birth and the names of your father's parents (which you will have from his birth certificate) - full maiden name for the mother. Explain that you are your father's biological daughter and that you are trying to find him. The Social Security office will look up your father's last known address and will forward your letter for you (but they won't give you his address). Then, you just wait and see if he responds.

If none of this will work for you, click on my user name and shoot me an email with your father's full name and anything else that you know about him and I'll see if I can dig up anything.

One last thing: Your father has not been involved in your life since you were three-years-old. You must prepare yourself for a few sad possibilities. It is possible that he does not desire contact with you. It is possible that he suffers from an addiction or mental disease. It also is possible that he is deceased. On the other hand, he may have been wondering about you for years and just never knew how to find you, or maybe he thought that it would be in your best interest if he stayed away. You will never know unless you try to find him, so I think you should do it. I just think that you should be prepared for all possible outcomes.

EDIT: Seeking hospital records, as opposed to state birth certificates, often is an exercise in futility. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try it, but there are no federal laws about how long hospital records must be kept; some states have laws about it, and some don't. Many hospitals try to keep the records forever, but space becomes a problem. Other hospitals keep records for anywhere from seven to 20 years. It just depends on the hospital.

- marci knows best - 11-10-2012 12:51 AM

I am not sure about the UK, but in the US there are two birth certificates. The hospital records contain more personal information such as your Dad's date of birth and his occupation at the time. This might give you some additional details to be able to verify that you have found the correct person.

- Mumsey - 11-10-2012 12:51 AM

Friends Reunited?
Salvation Army?