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What rules and values do strict parents have towards teen daughters? - Printable Version

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What rules and values do strict parents have towards teen daughters? - Allie Xxox - 11-10-2012 12:45 AM

Bed time? mobile phone, facebook? read every night? Go to church? Ect. What are the rules of a strict parent and how do you get ur Teenage girls to behave politely with respect/ curtesy and become involved more with school?

- CrazySamurai821 - 11-10-2012 12:54 AM

Depends solely on the parent. They don't all act the same way. But the majority have rules on being out and boyfriends.

- Aoibhín - 11-10-2012 12:54 AM

My parents never made me go to mass but I did have a bed time. I didn't have to read everynight since I'd be doing homework for 4-6 hours and my brain was usually fried. My mobile was mine and mine only. I was in the middle of my teens when Facebook became popular so I could have one of those but they didn't let me have a Bebo until I was 13/14.

I'm polite because it was just bred into me. My parents were always polite so I was. Monkey see, monkey do.

- Julie♥ - 11-10-2012 12:54 AM

My parents were kind of strict in some ways. I had to go to bed at a decent hour, especially on school nights. For the mobile phone, I got one only because my mom was going to start working different hours, so I needed to stay in contact with her. For Facebook and myspace, my parents didn't even know i had one (they do know though since I have family relatives on FB). For reading, I read what I wanted and when I wanted. My family never goes to Church, so I didn't have to. My parents started getting strict once I had a boyfriend. I had to get my hw done before I could go out (which I always got it done before my bf, so it wasn't any different. I always got it done) and I had to be home at a certain time. I've always been polite and a shy girl, it's just how I am. I've always used manners and I know I was raised that way.

I think it really depends on the parents, since parents have their own opinions on how to raise their children. I know when I have kids, I'll raise them like my parents since I'm in better shape as a person than another 18 year old who does drugs/drinks/smokes, doesn't care about school or working, just parties, sleeps around, etc.