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How to get more followers on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How to get more followers on Twitter? - Carpe Diem - 10-03-2012 12:27 AM

How can I market my Twitter page in order to get followers? I have 1200 tweets and only 8 followers. Most people I know don't use Twitter. Pretty embarrassing numbers. Any suggestions?

- Dexter - 10-03-2012 12:35 AM

Here are some tips to get popular and get more followers on Twitter;

1. Tweet interesting and compelling messages! This will help you to create a conversation.
2. ReTweet messages.
3. Use hashtag
4. Follow people with the same interests
5. Share your Twitter profile in other social media platforms.

Hope this helps!

- usna92 - 10-03-2012 12:35 AM

I agree that you should tweet something interesting and relevant to your following. Also, remember to put your twitter address on any other social profiles you have out there (Facebook, LinkedIn, Myspace, whatever) and on your blog if you have one.

Another trick is to start a conversation with someone on Twitter that shares your interests and who preferably has a blog or at least other social profiles. If they've already connected Twitter to their other sites, that just gets your Twitter ID out there to be seen by his fans/readers.