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My pregnant girlfriend hormones are just really nasty and rotten to the core? - Printable Version

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My pregnant girlfriend hormones are just really nasty and rotten to the core? - Martin - 11-10-2012 12:52 AM

My girlfriend as been nasty since week 2 of the pregnancy. She has been moody, aggressive and just generally hates me. She informed everyone on facebook that she had split up with me, slagged off her ex and then promptly tried to get back with him. I wondered how much of this can be put down to pregnancy hormones and how much is due to her being a nasty person at heart.

- mmix - 11-10-2012 01:00 AM

Sounds like hormones up until informing facebook friends she split up with you. Eventually, she will probably go through a "needy" phase, where she will really need you and want to be with you and look to you for a lot of support.

- Ryleighsmommy - 11-10-2012 01:00 AM

She may just be nasty, but I will say while I was pregnant I WAS HORRIBLE. I snapped at my husband, I picked fights, i through stuff at him, I called him every name in the book, and soon after i would cry and say how sorry i was and repeat. It was very hard on us, but he bit his tongue as much as one person can and tried to understand. I feel so horrible for the things I did. But it sounds like you should have a sit down with her because she may be showing you her real feelings and then feel bad and blame it on hormones.

- Leslie - 11-10-2012 01:00 AM

Pregnancy hormones are a very real thing and can make a woman do crazy things, but they are not an excuse to be nasty to someone you love. When I was going through hormones raging, I found myself lashing out or getting angry at my husband, and realized that I reall had no good reason, that he hadn't done anything wrong, and it was just my hormones, so would apologize to him, and he completley understood. Make sure your girlfriend knows that she is hurting you. I don't think you can quite blame her trying to get back with her ex on hormones. You two might need to have a talk about someother things as well.

- tink - 11-10-2012 01:00 AM

Pregnancy hormones can get out of control, and women who have pre exsisiting conditions like anxiety or depression can make things ten times worse. I can remember being 6 months pregnant looking at my hubby and telling him how much i hate him and i cant stand him. I even blew up on my father for complaining that his dinner was too spicy. The healthiest way to deal with it is have a sit down talk with her once a week and let her vent, or cry or scream or do whatever she needs to get it out. A good portion of it can be attributed to hormones, but you can't blame the entire thing on them.