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If Sarah Palin wants the Media to leave her alone, then why does she continue to use Twitter? - Printable Version

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If Sarah Palin wants the Media to leave her alone, then why does she continue to use Twitter? - Peter Purcell - 11-10-2012 12:52 AM

Twitter is in a Public Domain, and the Media is known to monitor Twitter for stories.

- my samy - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

lets all feel sorry for the poor thing, cry me a river, loneliness breeds the trouble, and money breeds more of the same, setting up the sympathy vote, for the purged christian martyr, the oldest stage act in the book, where is THE CROSS, WHEN YOU NEED IT

- Stephen - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

just another palin lie

- Asdasd Dasdasd - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

Palin wants her daughters to be protected from the media who are looking to whore them out, it's like how Mama Bear protects her young.

- Shadowmanx2 - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

Those old folks don't understand the internet, you know that.

- teeny-tinysail259 - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

Because she is a professional victim.

- iris054 - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

Palin is a perpetual show-off.

Sarah Palin also has a cruel streak. She has put extraordinary effort into undoing federal wildlife protections for polar bears, beluga whales, and pretty much any other animal that gets in the way of the oil industry's plans.

But her wolf bounty really takes the cake for animal cruelty. One of Palin's first acts in office was to put a $150 bounty on the heads of her state's wolves, allegedly with the goal of increasing the moose and caribou population. But this was no ordinary hunt: it was meant to incentivize the aerial killing of wolves, in which private hunters take a small plane and chase down wolf packs until they're exhausted and can't move any more, when they either shoot them from the air or land and execute them at point blank range. Then, they strap the wolf to a plane, cut off the wolf's left forearm, and bring it to the state Department of Fish and Game for their cash reward. There is a video out by Defenders of Wildlife about aerial wolf hunting, available on the Internet - caution: not for the faint hearted.

As if that weren't enough, Palin went on to allow Alaska's Department of Wildlife Conservation to enter wolf dens and slaughter worlf pups. In July of 2008, her employees went to retrieve adult wolf carcasses they had shot a month earlier from a helicopter and then found the wolves' pups in their den and so dispatched them one-by-one with pistol shots to the head. They then tried to conceal their actions from the public. When they were exposed, they said they had tried to place the orphaned wolves with zoos. Then the zoos said no one had contacted them.

Meanwhile, Palin's Alaskan government spent $400,000 in taxpayer money on an aerial wolf hunting "education" program to lobby for the program.

This is the sort of thing you can expect from Sarah Palin if she gets to be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Glenn Hurowitz


- lowdad424 - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

Lets not forget the fact she agreed to air her personal life on a television series on TLC and has a segment on media giant Fox News.

- Bajthejino - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

You're right. It is a public domain. Not a media outlet.
The media gives Palin a voice. If you're tired of Palin in the news maybe you should complain to all major news outlets to stop covering Palin stories.

- Annie - 11-10-2012 01:01 AM

ummm because she doesn't want the media to leave her alone.
Miss Sarah could hide her profile or cant you do that on twitter ???