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Is it right to ask a co-worker if they consider you a friend or acquaintance? - Printable Version

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Is it right to ask a co-worker if they consider you a friend or acquaintance? - Valerie - 11-10-2012 12:53 AM

I talk with this co-worker occasionally meaning on a weekly basis to a week and a half at the most and we have become somewhat closer during our office renovation. We are friends on Facebook. However, I'm not sure if we're really friends. She has 12 photos on Facebook and I can only view 2 of them. Should I ask her about this? I'm curious and am wanting to know where I stand with this person.

- tom4bucs - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

if you have to ask - you are an acquaintance or work associate

these other photos may only be for close friends

but I am not on Facebook -

I would not take it personally

all the best

- Ulterior A - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

well, i wouldn't read too much into the photos - it only means that whoever tagged her in their album has their album set to "private" it doesn't mean she's hiding something from you.
I would say you're work friends. If either of you left the work, you'd probably stay in touch less often, maybe even hang out a couple times, but i don't think you're THAT close

- Haley - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

Sounds like you are work friends. What is your reason for wanting to put a label on it though? If you want to hang out outside of work, take the initiative and ask. If not, let the relationship be whatever it is and don't get too caught up in counting friends.

- JonV - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

I wouldn't put her on the spot that way if I were you. It could cause unnecessary tension between you. Just let things take their course.

- Mk - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

In my opinion, u should go and ask her. OH I SAW YOUR 2 PICS ON THE FB, but i cant see your others pics?? is there any problem?

I believe, she wont mind, becuz if u guys r close and work together y she will mind? So go head and ask fearless

- Willow - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

If you have to ask, then you are an acquaintance. Real friends don't ask that question of each other, they just know.
You have not become "closer", simply more at ease with one another, you have no contact outside of work other than a social network site. Real friends meet up outside both of these and share family and other friends with each other.
I think you know where you stand at the moment with this person, I also think you would like to actually be her friend.
So get more acquainted, share more of yourself with her, offer to meet up outside of work.
If you get a positive response then she may well become a friend, a negative response will tell you that she is happy just being a work colleague who is also an acquaintance.
It may well be that those "hidden" pics are for family members only.

- joinme4coffee - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

If she were a friend you wouldn't have to ask. You are acquaintances. Friends spend time together socializing. Their time together is not limited to work.

I have had many jobs over the years and made many friend at those jobs. A lot of those friendships were close ones. All of those friendships have faded or disappeared over time. When I think of my close and enduring friendships, they are the ones that have lasted 30+ years and they are based on shared values and experiences. What you most have in common with people you work with is work.

- Sammi - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM
