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How can i trust him after this? - Printable Version

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How can i trust him after this? - scoobydan2003 - 11-10-2012 12:54 AM

So yesterday i went onto my boyfriends facebook and found all these messages about wanting to sleep with other woman and wanting to be with them. i confronted him about it and he said it wasnt him it was a friend of his because no one thinks we should be together. he was trying to reassure me and tell me he was sorry for me seeing those and that he loves me and he wouldnt do half of the stuff he does for me if he didn't love me. do i believe him and trust him? what do i do? i would appreciate it if someone would honestly chat and talk to me about it. and someone serious.

- Nae-Nae - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

Honestly no matter what anyone tells you... if you feel deceived in anyway then you have no trust. It's a possibility it was his friend but if he has lied to you in the past im sure this is a lie to. Why are you going through his facebook? That shows you dont trust him anyway. You have nothing without trust.

- Robes - 11-10-2012 01:02 AM

First of all, how did you get on his facebook? I don't let anyone into my fb/phone so your invading his privacy there. Anyway, us guys are always thinking about other women even if we have a girlfriend. Same for girls with boyfriends fantasizing about other men. But I'm not sure what your describing here. Was he actually talking to other girls through messages? Or was he talking to his friends about other girls? Two different things. If he was already talking to other girls then he probably wants to get with them. If it was the latter then MAYBE he hasn't done anything wrong. Again, not really sure but talk to him and figure out what's going on. If you still don't trust him then leave him.