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If a baby is born to an unwed minor child, does that mother have legal custody or does her parents? - Printable Version

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If a baby is born to an unwed minor child, does that mother have legal custody or does her parents? - Michelle - 11-10-2012 12:57 AM

I have a neice who has never cared for this baby. I have had her and my family and I have been caring for her since she was 2 weeks old with out any help from her mother. The mother is 17 years old and it is rumored that she is on drugs and in an abusive relationship with a 23 year old man who is NOT the father of our beloved baby. What options do I have to gain full custody of this baby? Can anyone give any advise? Thank you.

- Mister Cool - 11-10-2012 01:05 AM

Minor child.

- FLbeachGrl - 11-10-2012 01:05 AM

The minor child does. You are going to need a lawyer for this...and lots of Solid proof that she is an unfit mother.

- Sharon - 11-10-2012 01:05 AM

well first step is to go to court and get temporary custody. it is not hard you just apply and i'm sure the mother wont show up to court. you will be granted guardianship. you need to document all of her behavior. even pictures of her on facebook drinking. things like that can help you in court. the most important thing is to keep the baby safe. if you don't have a lot of money you can apply to the court for free paperwork too. they do charge for some documents to be handled. good luck. keep that baby safe.

- DeweyWatermelon - 11-10-2012 01:05 AM

Would Child Protective Service have anything to do to help this like have her take a drug test?

- Joel - 11-10-2012 01:05 AM

it is extremely difficult to take custody of a child away from its mother unless she has been convicted of a felony or a string of misdemeanors

I think someone on Law&Order SVU said that a mother pretty much has to be caught prostituting while shooting up heroin on the courthouse steps before they will take custody of her children from her.... (yes, i know the show is fictional, but the statement is amusing nonetheless)