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What is a simple life? - Printable Version

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What is a simple life? - Kim - 11-10-2012 12:58 AM

I'm writing an argumentative essay about whether technology has made life simpler. I want to know an exact definition, so would know the scope of the argument.

- Tyler - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

Basically technology does make life simplier because without my iphone and my ipad i would be lost and go crazy

- colossalfamily081 - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

I love your question.
A simple life could be personal for everyone.
For me, its to love and be loved every day.

- The Elements - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

A life where you find happiness regardless of what goes on in the society around you.

- Kristin C - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

I think life is easier with technology, but not simpler. Simple literally means "not elaborate," and since technology has added so much to our lives, it can't be called simple. Having nothing but the clothes on your back is simple, but definitely not easy.

- Happypopcorn345 - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

Get up, drink coffee, get ready for work, drink coffee, get the kid up and dressed for school, walk her to school, walk home, drink more coffee, walk next door, punch in, get in my work van, do my job, come home, walk and pick up the kid from school, take showers, eat dinner, do some Y!A, eat ice cream, watch TV, go to bed. sleep. PRETTY SIMPLE! Day in and day out. Pretty routine. Keeps me outa trouble, keeps the bills paid. I am happy with my pretty routine simple little humble life I have built.

- Pendragon Tim Chng - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

Does technology made life simpler?

My answer is NO. Definitely not.

Can technology be used to make life simpler if you are wise?

To this question, I would answer, YES.

To most people, technology is fun and can be complicated. You have to learn how to use new applications, and if you abuse the social media such as Facebook, Twitter, blogging and so on, your privacy may disappear or you may be sued, arrested, and threatened.

Sometimes, you may benefit from technology, but technology may make older people feel alienated, frustrated and stupid.

Cutting edge technology is expensive, so that there is actually a high level of stress that come from not being able to afford the latest gadgets. Computer games are also partly responsible for school truancy, disciplinary problems at school and at work, and also time-wasting.

Previously, predators, robbers and thiefs need to break down our door to get to our children. Now, predators go straight into our homes via the Internet. Parents have a huge problem protecting their children from Internet predators. There are older men preying on young girls through grooming in the Internet. Bad people through their porn, violence and radical religious views in the Internet have messed up the emotions and minds of many young children, thus depriving such messed-up children of a brighter future in terms of a happy prosperous marriage or family life or enriching relationships.

Has technology made life simpler?

No, technology has made life more complicated, especially if you are not vigilant.

- Ray - 11-10-2012 01:06 AM

I don't really know but I want simple and easy life.