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facebook question: How to block someone from reading your wall post? - Printable Version

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facebook question: How to block someone from reading your wall post? - Daniel Reyes - 11-10-2012 01:03 AM

is it possible to block someone from looking at your wall post because my older brother keeps criticizing everything i put and it really annoying i dont post stupid things but hes just an arrogant jerk so is it possible to block him from looking at my wall post? if so how? i dont wanna block him from being my friend just from reading my posts and if so will he know i blocked him?

- JohnPaul - 11-10-2012 01:11 AM

You can't filter just one person, so you'd have to block him. And yes, he'd know if you blocked him because he wouldn't be "your friend" anymore.

- Abby - 11-10-2012 01:11 AM

Yes, you can block him, but you have to do it to every post when you write it.

Go to the bottom of the post, near where it says "Share" and there should be a little lock button next to it. Click on it, a drop-down menu will appear that says "Everyone ... Friends of Friends ... Friends Only ... Customize" Click on "Customize." Something will pop up that says "Make this visible to..." Ignore that. Go to the bottom half, where it says "Hide this from..." Type in your brother's name and a drop-down menu will appear. Click your brother's name, and voila! it is in the box. Now press "Save Setting" and then post.

No, he won't know that you blocked him, he just won't know that you made a post. Perfect!

I have the same problem. My cousin always makes fun of what I post, so I just block him from reading it Smile