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How do I find my sister from Facebook OR anywhere? - Printable Version

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How do I find my sister from Facebook OR anywhere? - Kema Brandon - 11-10-2012 01:03 AM

Okay i've seen all of my sisters' and brothers' on my father's side except for 1 sister.
I've been on Facebook && and anywhere I can find her on the Internet Acess.
Well I can't go nowhere because I'm only 13, but I just need help finding my sister.
-Thanks, Kema S. Brandon '<3'

- Trickelz - 11-10-2012 01:12 AM

First of all, are you sure she is on facebook?
If so:

1. Go to the top of your facebook page, and type her name in the search bar
2. If she still doesn't appear, click "people" on the left-hand side of the webpage
3. If you still can't see her, type in her hometown, or school in the boxes provided

Hope this helps! Smile