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How can you find your birth father? - Printable Version

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How can you find your birth father? - Jessica - 11-10-2012 01:10 AM

My friend is 16, and she is adopted. Her birth mother is handicapped and lives in a mental place. They believe that her birth father was one of the workers at the place. My friend has met her birth mother multiple times but she is really curious and wants to meet her dad. Her family doesn't have a lot of money, is there some way for her to track him down? Her birth mother wont talk about him at all.

- Kayla R - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

does she know his name
try like yellow pages facebook and websites like that

does she have any other relatives that would tell her more

and go from there

but as her good friend
make shes prepaired for w.e that might happen
either with him accepting her..or maybe he doesnt want anything to do with her at all( depending on the situation why shes not living with him and stuff)

because some times the outcomes are good and sometimes they are bad( like i said depending on the i fhe walked out...or if the mom took her away from him..and soo on)(