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How to prevent one person from seeing something on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to prevent one person from seeing something on facebook? - Jonie Potter - 11-10-2012 01:10 AM

Me and my boyfriend's "song" is I just had sex so anyway he posted it to my wall on facebook. My mom moniters my facebook is there anyway to prevent her from seeing it?

- rick c - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

block 'em

- DOMINIQUE78 - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

How does she monitor you fb usage? Is she a friend or does she do it from home? If she's a friend, just ask him to put her name as the person who can't see the message. If it is from home, let him know beforehand that because your mom monitors your FB, you may delete wall messages that you think your mom may not find appropriate. By letting him know this, it won't lead to a fight in the future with him and won't get you in trouble with mom.