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What is a good way to embarrass someone? - Printable Version

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What is a good way to embarrass someone? - Amy - 11-10-2012 01:11 AM

My sister has been hacking onto my facebook and changing my status and liking embarrassing things. I want to get back at her but she never leaves her facebook open. Does anyone have any ideas?

- Nicole H - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

When their on the phone yell real loud, *her name* ,GET OFF OF THE TOILET! or sumthing like tht(;

- Benjamin - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

First log off your face book. Next wrap plastic wrap around her toilet seat ten to twelve times in the middle on the night so when she gets up in the morning to pee the feeling will freak her out and thin she has to unwrap it and try not to pee. Work on my sister ( and brother) all the time

- CAgirl - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

You live in the same house... take a picture of her doing something stupid or embarrassing, put it on fb and tag her and all her friends Tongue

- summer.rain - 11-10-2012 01:19 AM

Whenever her friends come over, or better yet when she's around guys, come up to her and say something like:

"Hey! Can you stop leaving pee on the toilet seat?!"
"Hey sis you said you needed some gas-x, mom got some for you!"
"Hey I bought you some anti-itch cream like you asked."
"I'm going to the store, did you still need some head and shoulders?"
"Can I ask you why your tv channel is on Barney?"
*if she's p-o'd* "Dude, I thought your period ended last week. That would explain where all the maxi-pads went*