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Should I delete my brother from my friends list? - Printable Version

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Should I delete my brother from my friends list? - Dame Fran - 11-10-2012 01:11 AM

My brother is a hard core racist but I love him, he's my brother, and for the sake of family unity and my mother's peace of mind, I haven't deleted him from my friends list on Facebook. I'm so sick of his hatred filled racist comments and videos and links, I just don't know how to handle it. If I block him or delete him it will cause a lot of trouble in the family, but I can't hardly stand to see any more of this vile hatred. What should I do? Yes he knows how I feel.

- Squirrel Face - 11-10-2012 01:20 AM

Go to your FB privacy settings and you can block people. Keep him on your friend list, but you won't see any of his posts. It's under the Account tab.

- redrose2427 - 11-10-2012 01:20 AM

block him, who wants to see that trash when they log on? Its your FB, u have who u want as a friend, I mean unless u are underage lol. Your family should understand that you do not agree w/ that hatered, and respect you for your descion.

- Sylvia Kayor - 11-10-2012 01:20 AM

Sometimes you have to take a stand against family members who are doing things that you know to be wrong. You can still love someone w/o allowing them to have full access to you. You can even talk to him in private and stuff but you should not be friends with a person just because they're related to you. We can't pick our family but we can pick our friends and you should choose not to be friends with him until he can learn to be nicer and less hateful. Your mother will have to just understand because really it's not your job to tolerate nonsense. Your brother needs to do the changing not you.