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Is it OK for other people to put photos of your children on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it OK for other people to put photos of your children on Facebook? - dom - 11-10-2012 01:30 AM

I joined Facebook and found that relatives and friends had posted pictures of my son without me knowing about it. They are obviously just being proud and want to show him off to their friends. However, these are personal family photos that I don't really want posting all over the internet.

Posting pictures of adults is OK, because at least the adult in question can say whether they want the photo displayed or not, but children are powerless and unable to stop it.

What do you think? Should people at least ASK first?

Am I being irrational?!?!

- RandomMan - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

You can ask them to limit their photo galleries to friends only but truthfully you are being a little irrational but please let me explain.

There are hundreds of millions of kids on the internet, what makes you think pictures of your kids whos info is not there, no way to contact them, is going to cause a problem? I know you're probably being a responsible parent but I can't see much of a problem here.

- Colinc - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

To post photos of children other than your own is illegal if you do not get permission. This changed under the new child protection laws. They could actually go to prison for this.

- cgflann - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

Coming strictly from a personal opinion here and nothing else, I don't think it is right that the pictures were posted without your knowledge. They should have asked you first if it was okay before posting the photos.

- xGeneSiS - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

Well I don't have kids but, if I did I wouldn't be happy about people posting pics of them on Myspace/Facebook etc...

I'm sure its harmless, but still. They should have asked you first, definatly.

Let them know you don't want the pics up, and it won't happen again!

- Jimbo49 - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

I think you are being very responsible in what you say. Tell, dont ask, your relatives to remove the photos and explain your fears to them. If they care for you then they will do as you ask.

- Money Power R - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

u are not irrational. these relatives are doing something illegal and as a parent u have all right to know and give permission before it occurs. i wish more parents saw this as a problem and correct this now rather than later when something bad happens and this epidemic is brought to their attention.

- karen h - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

you are not being irrational - if anybody did that to my children - they would be in big trouble!! the net is not an appropriate place to post photos of young children!

- David - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

(First off - ignore 'Random Man' sounds dodgy to me)

They SHOULD of asked first, but I'm sure that their motives were genuine and not sinister.

Why not e-mail them and ask them to remove the photos as you feel uncormfortable having them on the net.

I'm sure that they would understand.

- lindyloo.superstar - 11-10-2012 01:38 AM

no you are noy being irrational, your friends and relatives should not of done that without your permission, i think you should get them to remove it, now!!
unfortunatly in this day and age you just dont know who is looking at what , and i would not be a happy bunny if my friends or rellies did that . how rude of them!