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Any tips for convincing my parents to let me get a facebook? - Printable Version

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Any tips for convincing my parents to let me get a facebook? - Janie Markins - 11-10-2012 01:31 AM

- Samantha - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

Its a good way to Communicate with your friends instead of cell phone use and some of my teachers have one so if i have question i can contact them on there group page

- Kayden Kruise - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

I have a facebook, but I have to go to the library to get on, and not here at home due to viruses in the past. So you can get one, but maybe just not on their computer...or is it your computer? If its your computer, it might just depend on what age you are.

- Ashyx - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

Make one under their nose. If you're a teenager- this's your time to be rebellious and do what you're not supposed to do D:

That, or just don't get a facebook. It's really not that great... Just another Myspace, and we all see how that faded off..

- Martin Sanchez - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

Facebook is one of the best social networking sites in the world because it is safe for mostly all ages, unlike myspace facebook is a more mature networking site due to the fact that people of all ages use it and myspace has mostly teenagers. Also facebook can be used by many young people who want to stay in touch with their friends and relatives.

- GothicGirl - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

Ok, I myself am nearly 13, and am dying for facebook- I have begged and begged and reasoned and all of the rest of it, but it got me no-where, until finally I sat down and had a proper talk to my mum, she then agreed that when I turned 13, I could have it.
So maybe if your underage, try to reason with your parents to let you have it early by saying:
- All my friends are on it and they make me feel left out
- I can acess help from my friends with homework
- I will always have my profile on friends only, and will only chat to friends.
- Ask your folks what they think is so bad with it and then respond (eg: Mum says- Too many people can see you online! You- Not if I put my profile on friends only.)
hope this helps

- Monica - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

Tell them you wont put your last name, make you page private, not put your adress or phone number, not talk to strangers ect. Thats what I did and it worked Smile

- Bella - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

easy way to stay in touch with friends, instead of using the phone your cell.
good thing to have if you have a quick question for school and a friend is online (so may times me and class mates have done assignments together over facebook chat, they where group ones, ive also done study questions on chat with friends)

or just make one without them knowing, make it at a friends House, and go on at the library or at a friends house, or when no ones is home. or tell them you will show them what on your wall ETC, sometimes so they know whats going on.

- Debi - 11-10-2012 01:39 AM

You don't say how old you are. Bad people go on facebook and other sites like it, befriend innocent youngsters, gain their trust and talk them into meeting them. What follows is a sad new story. Not everyone on facebook is bad, probably not even 1%, but that small group is actively looking for innocents. It does not matter how rare it is if it happens to you or your family. So, your parents are reasonably interested in protecting you.

This might help:

Agree to give them the password, so they can access all messages sent to you privately.

Agree that you will talk to them before friending anyone you don't actually know in real life.

Talk to them about the privacy settings. Settings can be changed to increase safety. You can chose to not have a publicly searchable page. You can set it to allow people to find you by searching for your name, or only if they know your e mail address, or not at all. You can set it to allow friends only to have access to private information....or you can leave that info out entirely.

How about asking to first set up a family page for the whole family too have equal access to. You can use this to show them how the privacy settings work. (you just activate the pull down menu labeled "account settings", select privacy settings, and look around there. Its really very simple)
You can set it up so only friends can message you, only friends can see your photos and posts.

Basically you need to show them that you understand there are potential risks and show them how to adjust the privacy settings to protect yourself.