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How to Deal with a MOTHER IN LAW FROM H*LL!!!? - Printable Version

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How to Deal with a MOTHER IN LAW FROM H*LL!!!? - Miss.Raquel - 11-10-2012 01:32 AM

I am getting married to my wonderful man of about 2 years. We are so happy to together and we have a baby girl together too. Anyways his mother hates me.. She is always in our bussiness and just the other day she blocked me from her facebook .. Which I believe is soooo childish. How do I deal with this??? I love him and I know our realtionship has nothing to do with her. But he is her only son and she is ruining our realtionship.

- Choco - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

Just put rat poison on her food. LOL kidding. Move far far away

- MrsLe - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

This problem is never going away unfortunately. It can only ruin your relationship if you let it. Kill her with kindness and don't discuss negatives about her with your fiance. If you nag him about her and her childishness, it may drive a big wedge between you. It isn't worth it if he's loving and kind and you get along, just focus on that and be happy.

- dm - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

Try kindness and grace.

Do not stoop to her level.

When she tries to get in your 'business' maybe ask her "What makes you say that?" (or feel that way?) Put it on her to explain herself.

Blocked you from FB- really, who cares? Just move on with your day.

- Amber - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

YOU can't do anything about this. Anything you say or do is only going to make it worse. Luckily you seem to have a good, loving relationship with your husband, so there is still a chance to make this right. You husband has all the power to change this. If he stands up to his mom and demands respect for you, then she is going to feel a fear of losing her only son if she doesn't change. If he sits back and lets her treat you however she wants, and gets away with it, then she has no reason to change.

Let your husband know that you want to get along as a family, but the way she treats you makes it impossible. She is jealous of the fact that you are such an important woman in his life, when she was used to be the number one woman in his life. He needs to have a serious talk with her, and just hope that she listens. If she continues to keep acting like that, then there is nothing you can do except to ignore it and not play into it. Be the bigger person, and then in the end she will look like the person with the problem, not you. Do not let her influence your relationship with your husband. Don't vent to your husband, or put his mother down, as he is going to feel he is in the middle, and he will lash out. He will see what she is doing, if you are coming across as the one the isn't getting involved with this immature conflict.

- HahaOkayHun - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

Confront her, ask her why she hates you (maybe cry a little for sympathy XD) tell her you love her son, and you two are going to be together and that you want her and yourself to get along, because you want her to be in your daughters life(:

- Jeremy - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

Buy a bullets, and shoot the B***** in the F******** face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- NoDrama - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

How is she ruining your relationship? Are you fighting over it? Is he a mama's boy and taking her side? If so, you don't have a "wonderful man" with whom you "are so happy to together." My first suggestion- get off Facebook. What an immature waste of time for both of you. Second, analyze how she is really ruining your relationship. Who cares if she hates you-- blow it off- as long as you and the guy are ok together. Maybe he realizes his mom is a real b%^&$. Don't start fights with him over it. Lead your life like an adult and she can sit in her corner fuming over it.

- old beatnik - 11-10-2012 01:40 AM

When we got married, neither set of parents approved. We were both 25 yrs old, same race, same religion, both had masters degrees, both had good jobs. Most parents would have been delighted. My parents have not spoken to us since the wedding, 45YEARS AGO. Her parents yelled at us and fought at us till the day they died. Our siblings approved and are a part of our lives. We were just united together against their disapproval. If her parents were over to our house and started in on us, we told them to leave. At their house, we just got up and left, one time during Thanksgiving Dinner. The solution was to be united in our stand. We have been very happy together, still love each other very much. And she still makes me laugh. If we had it to do all over again, we would do it all over again.
If you can be united together then you can make it work. If not, then leave him now.