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Do the potential dangers of social networking websites outweigh the potential benefits? - Printable Version

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Do the potential dangers of social networking websites outweigh the potential benefits? - Johnnie W - 11-10-2012 01:32 AM

And if you can please tell me details.

- Shiori_hime - 11-10-2012 01:41 AM

Not if you're smart about it.

Look, I've been using sites like Livejournal and Facebook for years now and never once have I wound up in a dangerous situation. Why? Because I'm smart. People don't know my real name. They don't know the details of where I live. They don't know where I go to school. They might know my age, but on Facebook only the people you add to your friends' list can access that information (I think everyone can see on Livejournal, but frankly there's not much they can do with that information alone). I have only ever agreed to meet one of my online friends. We had known each other for well over a year online by then, and I insisted that we meet someplace busy and crowded. I know people who go even farther than I do and actively work to hide other parts of their identity, like their gender. It's easy enough if you have a fairly neutral name and don't drop other hints.

If you're going to use a social networking site, keeping yourself safe is a matter of basic common sense. Don't put your full name out there. Heck, don't put any part of your real name out there if you can avoid it. If it is absolutely unavoidable that you use your real name (I think Facebook is like that), don't post any personal information that someone could use to hurt you. No birthday, no info on where you live/work/go to school, no phone numbers, no mailing addresses. Don't announce your age in posts or messages. I see people do that here all the time, and it makes no sense. Your age is almost never of any importance in conversations and there's no reason for people to know it. Don't post a picture of yourself. Remember that the internet is like real life in that you have the right to avoid anyone you don't want to talk to. You aren't obligated to add anyone to a friend or contact list or to answer messages or anything. You also aren't obligated to meet anyone in real life, and if you decide to meet someone you should do it in a busy, public place, and preferably with a real-life friend or relative tagging along.

Remember too that while dangers exist, there's a tendency in the media to over-hype the danger from strangers on or off the internet. Use your head and you should be fine.

- firebird2110x - 11-10-2012 01:41 AM

I'll just add that the other big danger you need to consider is identity theft, so don't share your real date of birth either. If the social network site requires one, lie.

- Mishi D - 11-10-2012 01:41 AM

If you are young, yes. The potential dangers can absolutely outweigh the benefits. Even experienced internet users can inadvertently give out personal information even if they are trying to be careful. And, social relationships are difficult enough in person without the fuel of the internet behind it...this can be especially devastating for the not yet mature.