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Will 250 MB of data be enough? - Printable Version

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Will 250 MB of data be enough? - Vector Perkins - 10-03-2012 01:57 AM

OK So I have an Android phone and I really want to get a data plan with it. There was one for $5 which gives you 250 MB.

Is this a good value: 250 MB for $5

And Second,
Will it be enough to:

+ Browse 5-15 web pages a day (casual)
+ Check my email once a day (I get 3-6 messages, no attachments)
+ Send 1-2 images to Instagram (my phone camera is 3.2 MP and I take the pics with my phone) Every fews days
+ Check Facebook Once a day (maybe one status update, no photos)
+ Check Twitter Once every 2-3 days (Maybe 1 Tweet)

No YouTube videos, Streaming, or anything else like that.
Is it a good value? Will 250 MB last for me with my preferences?

Thanks for your help Smile BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!

- Jonathan Creek - 10-03-2012 02:05 AM

No, don't let any salesperson (or yourself!) kid you that that's sufficient - it's only 8.3mb per day.

Sorry to rain on the parade, but even without streaming, you're going to keep exceeding 250mb of data per month and incurring additional charges.

I did the maths on this when I got my SG2, and quickly realised I needed AT LEAST 1gb a month, so I just went for an unlimited data plan. That way I never have to worry about penalty charges for inadvertently exceeding my data allowance.

- Isaiah Hogue - 10-03-2012 02:05 AM

i think u should more i think u should get atleast 500 mb

- Tomays - 10-03-2012 02:05 AM

I never go over that and I check news, sports, stocks, everday .... I don't do any video though (I have iphone but the data should be about the same regarding that stuff).