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why do Jonas fans and Bieber fans feel they need to be at war? - Printable Version

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why do Jonas fans and Bieber fans feel they need to be at war? - Hannah Williams - 11-15-2012 08:45 AM

They always argue and i dont understand it. The jonas brothers and Bieber dont fight so whats the point?

- Maddie - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

they are just hormone raged girls and have freak attacks.

- Mrs. Tasha Bieber - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

Cause Justin Bieber is amazing and the jonas brothers ainte!

- Antz C - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

they don't really give two sh*ts about their music they think they are hot, plain and simple so when they argue they are really arguing about who is cuter ¬_¬

- Chacha - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

Ummmm I really don't know. I know someone who loves both Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers. Actually 2 people. I personally don't like any of them but I never knew they were at war.

- 297 - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

They're both sh*t. So it's pointless arguing.

- 788 - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

Because the have the same initials and we (Beliebers) think Justin is better and Jonas fans think the JoBros are better. It's a matter of "Whos better than who". I actually never liked the Jonas Brothers but I love Justin Bieber. And Justin is more popular than them and Jonas fans hate that.

- Samanthalovesmusic - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

Well Im a jonas brothers fan, i dont fight with beiber fans, but yes i do not like him or them. I think its cuz we feel that the jonas brothers are more talented than he is, and justin doesnt deserve everything he gets. But thats just my opinion, i dont like him or his fans, theyre kinda annoying, i mean im not one of those obsessed jonas fans. & originally The Jonas Brothers did not care for justin bieber (THEY CALLED HIM BUSTIN JIEBER) but when that became public they fabricated a frienship a for the public, and for their nice guy image. But its hard to believe their friends in the first place, Justin talks about having "swagger" and calls girls shawty, while the jonas brothers are the complete opposite and down to earth wholesome guys. So in reality, they wouldnt naturally be friends, you kno? So theyre friendship, isnt exactly a "reality", but no they dont fight. But i do no like when beiber fans talk about him being better, thats when i fight with them. Becuz they start the fights, saying hes so much more talented, so i put them in their place, and its easy cuz theyre all 12 year olds, lmao .But this is just my opiinionBig Grin

- JB Rocker Becky - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

Jonas Fans and Bieber Fans war is normally on Twitter. I am a Jonas Fan and don't normally get caught in the war but I know people who do. It is normally what the fan do, and I'll show some examples.

A Jonas Fan once died and Jonas fans made a Trending Topic in memory of her, so Bieber fans decided to make up a fake person and make a TT just so they were better than Jonas Fans.

Lots of celebrites have JB as their initials but only Jonas Brothers have taken JB as their logo / trademark. Bieber fans now say oh no JB is now Justin Bieber when it isn't.

Also I think Justin Bieber is really full of himself; especially on Twitter. But Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber don't fight, but their fans do.

- Gabriella H - 11-15-2012 08:53 AM

maybe cause jonas were 'the bomb' before bieber, i think is like to see who's the real JB, you know ?!