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Honesty Vs Being Liked Vs A bet? - Printable Version

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Honesty Vs Being Liked Vs A bet? - Nile J. - 11-15-2012 08:45 AM

Okay so i made this facebook user long time ago that i use for lame stuff like games or stupid notifications, than i have my real facebook with my frriends on it. my bestie and i made a bet to prove that guys are attracted to the super nice super pretty type so i used my fake user to start tracking guys. It was fun at first but now all of my real friends are starting to like my fake user better, even though we act the same, shes just less sarcastic and prettier. anyway so one day a childhood friend i havent talked to in years pops up and starts chatting, we connect easily and i notice how much we have in common, he likes the real me, just doesnt know that its me under her (confusing i know, its all my personality just slightly nicer and more patient and all of my talent and likes and dislikes) anyway now i dont know what to do because if i tell him its me i might just lose him and his friendship forever or everyone might find out and im totally toast and lose the bet. Now i realize im falling for him too (even after various objections to my speculating friends) and i dont want to lose him. but if he finds out he may just shut me out, What should i do ?
a friend of mines gave me a photo of hers, the fake user is more of the person i want to be (personality wise) apposed to the person i am. in other words i wish i could have the patience and niceness my fake user does but when i try and be that way people dont take me seriously or think its sarcasm

- Emily - 11-15-2012 08:54 AM

You should honestly tell him that you have made the fake account even though you didn't mean to decieve him.

anyways, i'm kinda confused.
you said the fake account is someone super pretty and super nice type.
so you stole someone's photo and pretended to be her?
if so, the chances are he is attracted to her physical appearance and not just your personality.
I don't know i'm just guessing.
i need more detailed info's about the fake FB account to give you a decent advice.