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Who is KerliGirl13 ? And what is all the hype about? - Printable Version

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Who is KerliGirl13 ? And what is all the hype about? - Sophie - 11-15-2012 08:46 AM

its trending all over the place, and when i asked all someone told me is "You Done Goof'd". All i can find on the internet is videos of this like 9 year old scene wannabe with a very dirty mouth... what the fuck is this?

- Cherisse - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

Let me tell you something about Jessi Slaughter. We were best friends on MySpace. I know, right? It’s so embarrassing. I don’t even… Whatever. So then on Facebook, I changed my relationship status to my first boyfriend Kyle who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Twitter, and Jessi was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off videochat with Kyle, she’d be like, “Why didn’t you message me back?” And I’d be like, “Why are you so obsessed with me?” So then, for my tinychat, which was an all-Tumblr tinychat, I was like, “Jessi, I can’t invite you, because I think you’re nine.” I mean I couldn’t have a nine-year-old at my tinychat. There were gonna be Tumbloggers on their webcams. I mean, right? She was a NINE YEAR OLD. So then her dad made a youtube video and started yelling at us, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and she came back to MySpace, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she has nudes out.

- Ashley D - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

she is an 11 year old with a foul mouth, slutty makeup and clothes, and parents who flat out refuse to be parents. she has posted semi nude content on several photosharing websites, cusses like a sailor in her youtube videos, and quite frankly, dresses and looks like a whore.

if you think im being rough, go scrounge up what you can on youtube. im 24 and i dont even wear as much makeup as her, or dress as provocativly.

apparently someone hacked into her computer, and posted a bunch of rather innapropriate photos of her all over some websites, including places like 4chan. 4chan being what it is, trolled the hell out of her

then her father, rather than being a father, DEFENDS his daughters actions against all the people who had left rude comments on her youtube videos. from all i have seen he is completely unphased by the fact that his daughter is basically producing child porn out of her own bedroom (i would love to say im exaggerating, but if you saw her videos or her photobucket, im not. i did not seek either of them out, they were linked in various blog posts and facebook discussions of other youtube celebrities)

"you done goofed" is something her father says to all the people who were making fun of her on the youtube video comments. it has now become something a meme of its own, almost separate from kerligirl13s actual videos.

in short, an 11 year old acting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY to mature (or immature, depending on how you look at it) for her age posted a bunch of terrible videos on youtube and slutty pictures everywhere else. the internet got a hold of them, and ripped her to shreds, now daddy is defending his little girl rather than taking her computer away and locking her in her room

- 226 - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

Okayyy. Here's the deal.

This 11-year-old girl, "Jessi Slaughter" (real name Jessica Leonhardt and username kerligirl13) posted nude pictures of herself on a website called Tumblr. People started sending hate comments, saying that she shouldn't be doing stuff like that. And then she makes a Youtube video about how all the haters are just jealous because she has three boyfriends, she's perfect in every way, how she's been consensually molested by some weirdo man named Dahvie in this random band, how she's hot, she has more friends, more fans, and constantly insults people with phrases like "I'll pop a glock in your mouth and make a brain slushie." and "Get AIDS and die, suck a dick and die." She also tells people that haters don't faze her at all. Of course, this got people in a frenzy and everybody started sending all her stupid little videos hate comments, stalking her on all her other internet accounts, etc.. Basically, people everywhere were spreading her idiocy faster than a flu virus. I guess it got to be too much for her, because yesterday, she posted a video talking about how she was having a major breakdown due to all of the hate comments and pictures and personal information that was now out there for the world to see.

I would send you a link to her Youtube channel, but unfortunately, someone hacked her account today and deleted everything. But here is a link on another account of the video that started it all:…

If you feel that I didn't explain everything adequately enough, here's her Encyclopedia Dramatica page:…

Wish you could've been there to see all the drama unfold. :/ I kinda felt bad for her, since I blame her parents for raising her in such a way, but at the same time she's at fault too.

Hope I helped. Smile

- Somebody - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

an 11 year old who thinks she knows what the internet is made of. she a camwhore, and an attention whore. if you see youtube you will see the aftermath of trolls from 4chan, and every other place that shes been on trolling her account. she deleted it but people reuploaded her videos. if you see channels like kerligilr13, you will see their fakes. her 2nd account is still up, her twitter is still up, and her website is still up. the rest of it are all deleted/shut down. her dads a dumbass, and her moms the only one who has common sense in her family. that pretty much explains it. shes a 11 year old girl on the internet.

- Calorie - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

It's the offspring of Britney Spears. A potty mouthed girl who figured out how to use a web cam and post half naked pictures of herself to the public.The consequences will never be the same after Britney Spears taught young ladies to turn themselves into grotesque caricatures of their former selves. kerligirl13 is an example of this generation, Generation Goof. The goof'd up generation of children who have internet piped into the palm of their hand...or into their eyes when Oakley invents internet shades. But for now we are lucky Apple refuses to create iShades or iGlasses.

If you want to know more about kerligirl13 visit the Unhealthy Affiliate @

Keeping young children in bed before bed time since 1932.

- AiRiSu cOoKiE - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

If only you had a tumblr...

- abubbles22 - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

Just watch this video. It pretty much explains the whole thing:

- ssj5evilgoku - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

Just so you know, I reported you all to Cyber Police and gave them all of your address and I found them out BECAUSE I BACK-TRACED IT!

- Lexii babyyyyy☮ - 11-15-2012 08:55 AM

Dear Sydney,
You have won.
Sincerely, Alex

So KerliGirl13 is an eleven year old girl who posted an extremely offensive video of herself online about how much better she was than everyone else, with very fowl language. Allegedly she had nude pics out, too. anyways, as always happens on the internet, people attacked her, and she put out a video of her crying, in which her dad utters the famous lines "Consequences will never be the same" and "You dun goof'd", also adding in that he has "back traced"us all and will "report us to the cyber police."