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What would you do if your boyfriends family keeps winding you up and upsetting you ? - Printable Version

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What would you do if your boyfriends family keeps winding you up and upsetting you ? - Lyndsey - 11-15-2012 08:48 AM

I asked this question before about my boyfriends family not including me and taking all of his family's boyfreind and girlfreind on holidays and trips and not taking me.
They keep on rubbing the photos in my face when I am round my boyfriends family's house and on Facebook every time I go on my boyfriends Facebook profile the photos are always their and I just want to forget about what happened but its i possible with the photos their.
My family thinks its emotional bullying.
What would you do if that was you?

- Lyli - 11-15-2012 08:56 AM

talk to him and tell him to DO SOMETHING about it!!!!!!! and yeh that's emotional bullying

- ninjaxcupcakes - 11-15-2012 08:56 AM

If your boyfriend doesn't stand up for you when his family does this and it really hurts you-- End things. I was in a messed up relationship where my ex's family did something similar to me. It's not healthy for the relationship.

- carina - 11-15-2012 08:56 AM

I feel The same Way as You do and The way I deal with it is By Ignoring Then ALL Is Hard But its Possible , I don't Go by if i don't have to and i stay silent when they do talk about pictures and going places I hate The fact That this happens But sometimes They are doing it on purpose to get Under your skin Avoid Going to Their facebook, I spoke to my boyfriend about this and he said Not to pay attention always communicate with your BF Because if you start acting weird when you do HAVE to go by he already knows where your coming From and also Put a stop to it