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What are some good websites to be discovered in the music business? - Printable Version

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What are some good websites to be discovered in the music business? - Reyna - 11-15-2012 08:49 AM

I am 14 years old and have been writing raps for about a year now and I think I have everything together but I am looking to be discovered. Can you help me? Thanks you!

- Jared Johnson - 11-15-2012 08:57 AM

youtube, or record a demo like this: and send it to a record label.

- Liz F - 11-15-2012 08:57 AM

It's tough these days to get discovered, mostly because labels are not doing much artist development due to how expensive it is.

However, you're only 14 years old and if your rhymes are good then you've got a better chance than older artists at a label picking you up.

First of all, pimping out your youtube account, facebook fan page, and twitter seem to be the current social media trends, so I'd make keeping up with those a priority. Labels and industry insiders want to see that you've done most of the footwork already before they'll sign you -- meaning they want you to have a large dedicated fan base, multiple songs that could easily be re-recorded and released, and a professional webpage.

My Artist Management class had a guest speaker come from The Artery Foundation (an Artist Management Firm) who currently manages Breathe Carolina, and he says no one at their firm will look at a young artist unless they have invested in themselves with social media and a decent webpage.

You could try posting a link to your music on the Artery Foundation's facebook page, even though they usually do punk rock it could still get your music in front of some industry insiders and increase your viewership.

There's also the Indie's guide: -- Lots of info on everything you could ever need to know on the independent scene.

Taxi helps independent artists get record/publishing/T.V./ and Film gigs.

Have you heard of Indaba music? There are a lot of competitions that attract good DJ's, you can find new projects to work on, get some music produced, and get discovered. The social networking tool is awesome, and there are some FANTASTIC articles on everything relevant in the music industry that are available for free.

Soundcloud is also awesome, you can add it to your facebook page and for some reason it seems to be more popular than its competitor reverbnation.

I looked around a little, and Rap Industry seems like it could be promising.

The more online contests you can enter the BETTER, even if it's not rap, any eyes are better than no eyes at all. The key to this industry is hard work, and lots of it.