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Has America become the biggest lie in the history of mankind, exposed by the market collapse? - Printable Version

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Has America become the biggest lie in the history of mankind, exposed by the market collapse? - Mr. SAP - 11-18-2012 11:40 AM

Does this belittle you?

Make you feel small, worthless?

- Tyler M - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

Triple no

- happytemper994 - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

No. (bush is NOT the USA)

- jim t - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

Go back to Cuba, Dude. Get some rum in your koolaid.

- ♥ Mel - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

No but this question makes you look very small

- JOHN C - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

Yes, the only free country in the world with a constitution to protect everyone. That is so stupid. How right you are. Why can't we all be in Cuba? Now that's a wonderful place. And if you like, I think we can raise enough money to send you there if you would like you rebel you! Try this, read the constitution all the way thru and then get back to me OK genius?

- Unka Dano - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

There was an old TV show in the 50's called "Amos and Andy". It was an all black cast that portrayed a disparaging view of blacks that would hoodwink and con each other out of money and other valuables.

The NAACP got it off the air and I view our capitalist way of life as that of Amos and Andy. We're always getting greased up for a con by people jabbing crow bars in our pockets.

For instance, when I go home tonight my mailbox will be full of these con artist offering me all kinds of ways to save money if I spend it.

I might get a knock on the door from somebody that's trying to sell me something I don't need or even want.

My TV that I turn on after dinner will show me my local Ford dealer that is number one in the country and I immediately remember my business trip to Dallas last week that also had the number one Ford dealer in the country. What are the odds?

Further into the night, another commercial will try to sell me an over the counter drug that a leading university declared safe and effective. "What leading university", I wonder? Why didn't they mention the university's name?

- Skye PN - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

It shows that the free-market ideology is as flawed and outdated as Communism, a dangerous relic of the 20th Century.

- kevo - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

America, much to your dismay, is bigger than our stock market! We are a strong willed people and will rebound from any economic woes! We will not be made feel small because of a small, belittled person with internet capabilities!

- Amy E - 11-18-2012 11:49 AM

America is still the greatest nation on this earth. the mistakes made, only make us look vulnerable to those that wish to harm us.

our economic crisis doesn't make us worthless, small, or belittle us in anyway. we Americans face adversity better than any other nation in history...