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How do I make my Youtube video more popular? - Printable Version

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How do I make my Youtube video more popular? - hailey ツ - 11-18-2012 12:59 PM

It's a lyrics video for a song, and there are many other videos like it, and I should've realized that sooner, but I would like SOME people to view it at least. Sad Here it is. Does it have enough tags or what should I change?

- Cynthia Leighton - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM


"This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."


1. without seeing it, my generic advice is to write about it with a really good description.

2. figure out which words describe it best from what you wrote "lyrics video for a song named ___ by ___" and use those words a few extra times.

3. write 400+ words about your video

4. go to and enroll for free and submit your article with a link to your video

5. that's called article marketing to attract people to your video - if you've got more to say, make another 400+ word article... and repeat as long as you're motivated to do so.

best wishes!

- Baja Landia - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

this link can get the information you need, I hope my contribution will be useful, greetings .....

- Glenn Ratcliffe - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

Getting your channel/video's viewed is all about content, presentation and networking.

To get views you need:
a) Good content.
b) Good 'tag' words. The more the better (Youtube dose have an upper limit on the number though).
c) A good video description.
d) A good network of friends and subscribers.
e) Getting 'Likes'.
f) Don't forget to 'Share' your video's and 'Post a Bulletin' to your friends.
g) Video respond with your videos.

So, good content is the hard one. There are no rules, but try to be original, or stick to a theme, or both. Here's an example. Have a look at this:
The trick is to engage your viewer from the start, and keep them watching till the end. Hard to get your video 'Liked', if it's not watched in total.

Tagging your video with as many of the right words is very important. People find your video's with these 'Tags'. Use many tags.

Always do a full, and detailed description of your video (this will help when Google 'crawls' for videos). Provide links as needed.

Make friends. Reach out to other similar channels, and [Add Friend]. Offer Sub4Sub to increase your subscribers.

Double check your editing (smooth transitions, clean/even audio, ECT) before uploading. Sloppy editing on your videos, effect your chances of getting 'Likes'. Remember too 'Like' your own video (people in your network will see this, and be only one click away from watching your video).

After uploading:
Use the [Share] button, to put your video's on FaceBook/Twitter/MySpace/ETC.
On your channel, use the [Post Bulletin] to send your video (with a message) to all your friends.

Post video response to your own video's. Seach for videos similar to your own, and then post your video's as a response.

Multiple views:
Thought should be given to your channels appearance (back ground, colour scheme, play list's, profile wording, ect). A nicely designed channel will encourage your visitors to stay and watch more video's.

If you visit random pages and comment. People will see your avatar (one click, and there at your page), and have a link to you. Be careful of spamming. Some people get very upset.

Hope this helps

- Ariel White - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

You can promote it to your friends or on some related forums.

- SPP - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

I guess you must be needing views and subscribers eh?

Methods to get FREE YouTube Views-------->>>

1-Make a good quality video through a high definition camera, if you do it for professional use.
2-Choose topics to create videos on which are bound to be popular or maybe you could be the first one to start on a new topic.
3-Create a email list and tell all of your contacts to check out your video ( Whether they are your friends and family, or business clients if you do it for business purposes)
4-Try to use content targeted keywords and put as many appropriate tags as you can.
5-Email your friends and family about your videos.
6-Share it with your friends on social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc.
7-Post it on digg, stumbleupon.
8-You could put it on your blog, or tell your friends to put it on theirs.
9-Make people aware of your video through online forums likes where there is free review service for everything
10-You could post it on sites where you refer other's and get free views.
11-Put in eye-catching thumbnails
12-Make the videos short(precise) and up-to the point so that more n more people watch it.
13-Get YouTube friends or do the sub4sub thing (Do it once in a while so that it's not spam)
14-Place in nice thumbnails ( meaning put in the most thrilling part of your video at the half so that it's attracting to people.
15-Tell as many people as you can, spread the video as much as you can.

The free methods may be good for fun purposes but not enough when it comes to business,
I don't only rely on these ways as they would get you some traffic but they won't be sufficient and won't make you go viral.
So you could choose some paid methods. Believe me, I have myself tested upon these and completely satisfied when REAL certified people watch my videos.
Those whom I'll recommend are reliable and offer you money back guarantee. Plus they are the cheapest suppliers in the market and I guess they are people who really control the whole market.
And for YouTube Partnership Program, it's totally safe as I myself have made money and never got banned, so they must be in accordance of YouTube TOS.
And mind you these are REAL people watching your videos and that's how you get your channel/video promoted..

PAID METHODS that I have tried

1- The most recommended site of mine would be

At first, I was a bit shaky to use their services. However, they are champs in this field and can make you go viral in a day(If you take packages like me)


I had to buy youtube views, subscriptions in a quickie and when I searched 'youtube views' on search engines I ended up on this site. They are by far the most cheapest providers I have came across, who satisfy your youtube needs.

3- My friend searched on how to get youtube views on itself and came up with this site, ...
He was just amazed by the results, and they have a good customer support.

4- I came across this site while browsing , and they really rock man.
There are many packages suitable to all types of people. I tried the EXTREME FAST plan for 250K Views, and man they say they can deliver upto 50-100K Views in a day, and what they say is really true because I got lucky to get 111K+ views in the 1st day and by the 2nd day the campaign was even done, which means I got 140K+ views.. It was an amazing experience and seriously I would recommend this site to pros like me as they are very cheap and do what they say.

5- Get this software from

It's a program that send people invites, makes youtube views, they have a network of people who use their services and watch, like, comment on each other's videos

You know why I buy heavy campaigns because it's really very beneficial for my business, as these viral plans get me youtube honors which is an attempt from me to increase our reputation.

Moreover you can monetize your videos thru youtube partnership program or revenue sharing or even adsense etc, but the best way is to buy youtube views from these sites.
As that would just be a step towards your youtube partnership program.
The money you sow will soon reap.
For youtube Partnership Program I guess you may need 100K Views on your video and 8K Subscribers on your channel..

Hope it helps!

If you need to know how to get facebook page likes/fans you could visit my blog @
