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Can Somebody Get Your IP Address Over Skype? - Printable Version

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Can Somebody Get Your IP Address Over Skype? - Josh B - 11-18-2012 12:59 PM

No, i'm not trying to get any body's IP, but i think somebody might be trying to get mine, please help, I need an answer fast!

- Canidog - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

Get your IP and do what with it? Most ISP issue dynamic IP and block common ports like 80, 25, and some other ones used for popular protocols. Most of the time, your IP resets and your ISP issues you a new IP when your router reconnects. Of course that's assuming you have a dynamic IP.

- Tamim - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

The IP address you've gotten, that is the IP address of the server, is as far as you're going to get. You are not directly connected to the other user when using Skype, you each connect to a "supernode" (server) that passes the communication between the users. Short of hacking into that supernode there is no way to find out the IP of other users. There are thousands of these servers and you can be connected to a ton of them at once, with different parts of a single chat session passing through different servers.

I can safely say that it's a lot more than one person, more than one organization doing this. Basically everyone who has a fully open chat connection/facebook/twitter/etc account constantly deals with spam invitations like this. Either set Skype to "Friends only" or block these guys individually and move on.