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How To Build A Anonymous Twitter Account Fanbase? - Printable Version

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How To Build A Anonymous Twitter Account Fanbase? - James - 11-18-2012 12:59 PM

I follow a lot of anonymous twitter accounts like OMGFACTS, firstworldpains, Lord Voldemort, etc. who have tonnes of followers. I wan't to create one of these accounts and I have a good theme but I'm wondering how do I start getting a fanbase?

- golden persian - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

Well, first thing will be creating an account fix the setting add subject related background. Then you can create a word of mouth. Participate ask lots of questions. And before you know it people will start following you. There are are other paid options you can also consider but I don't think that's a good Idea.
You can check out this for more details: