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Is the election of Sarkozy in France a ray of hope or an aberration? - Printable Version

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Is the election of Sarkozy in France a ray of hope or an aberration? - Ubi Caritas - 11-18-2012 01:00 PM

Does this signal a possible end to the long slide into economic and social irrelevence the Europeans and specifically the French find themselves on?
So Dana, I guess your degree in economics from the Sorbonne taught you the value of currency is of prime importance in determining economic strength, any other factors you'd care to consider before you make a bigger fool of yourself?

- David R - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

I think Sarkozy, if he's not too viciously attacked from within (the French excell at that), may do very much to improve France's international standing and economic base. Every other politician of the last 25 years has been a bit of a laughing stock. Sarkozy may break that trend.

- sarge927 - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

Doubtful. My wife's best friend works for INTERPOL in Lyon, and she was shocked when Sarkozy was elected President. Apparently the French media are already mobilizing against him, so it seems he'll do one term and then they'll be back to their old ways.

My wife's friend admits that the French are much more socialist and much more secular than Americans, and according to her it has its good points and its bad. I don't agree. Socialism won't work over the long haul -- wasn't the former Soviet Union proof?

- Faw Kif Ino â„¢ - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

You now I always preferred Hutch I voted for him. I am a Canadian and we like em blonde and dimply. Who cares how much money Starsky has or how good his social life is. Just give me a cutie anytime

The only thing French we care about is Rene Levesque and bill 101 Oh yea and fries

- cvq3842 - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

Time will tell.

- dana1981 - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

Europe is falling into economic irrelevance?

I'm sorry, but how well is the US Dollar doing against the Euro again? It must be 3-to-1 by now, considering that Europe is economicall irrelevant.

That's odd, 1 Euro is currently equivalent to 1.36 US dollars.

And its value compared to the dollar has climbed over 4 of the past 5 years, up from 1-to-1 at the end of 2002.

But that's backwards if Eurpoe is sliding into economic irrelevance! Well, I'm sure you get your information from your gut just like Stephen Colbert. That's a reliable source.

- Shane W - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

Economic irrelevence? We the usa should be worried about this lately, with the american union and all.but they are doing great economically, why did you say that?

- Rooster - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

I think if sarkozy can do the things he intends to do which is opening up free markets but at the same time providing good jobs for the french he will do very well -he is protectionist for french jobs and has a plan for growth - but the results are waiting to be seen - right now europes growth is just due to large mergers between large companies that have existed forever -it is good for the investor but not necessarily the guy paying a mortgage and living there and they ultimately determine who gets into office